Actress Demi Moore made her surprise runway debut on Wednesday, as she opened Fendi's virtual presentation during the couture shows...
Jason D. Parker
Photo: Courtesy of GucciIn our long-running series "How I'm Making It," we talk to people making a living in the...
The MarketWatch News Department was not involved in the creation of this content. Jan 27, 2021 (Market Insight Reports) --...
NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK , UNITED STATES , January 28, 2021 / — Farah Naz is a New York...
What thoughts roll through your mind when you see your favorite brand is having a midseason sale? I think about...
EVP, Industry Principal at Logility and NGC Software, digitally transforming the retail supply chain. getty Everyone has a favorite cotton T-shirt....
There has been a lot of press given lately to innovation in the fashion world. A recent article in the...
A new investigation from Insider reveals the inner workings of influencer Danielle Bernstein's retail empire. © Provided by Business Insider...
Fashion businesses are increasing their sales by 24% thanks to an Ontario photography and videography company. Fashion businesses are increasing...
Jenny Hall, fashion and lifestyle influencer and granddaughter of the late restaurateur Vincent James Perone, has partnered with Greenville native...
New VIP profit-sharing program grants influencers with one million or more followers access to create a self-branded private collection of...
The revolving door of fashion trends often comes back around, and with the internet at our fingertips, the cycle only...