February 12, 2025


Edible Fashion

New Year, New… everything! – Nicole Hanna Jewelry

New Year, New… everything! – Nicole Hanna Jewelry


​Somehow, somewhere along the line, 2022 happened. Last year seemed to simultaneously fly by and drag on, and I’m still wrapping my head around a new year… and the changes that inevitably brings. I am a creature of habit, after all, and have always behaved in a way that invites change at the new year, perhaps in hopes of wiping the slate clean, so to speak, re-igniting a creative spark or rebuilding relationships and healthy habits. I wouldn’t dare call them resolutions, which is (to me, at least) an inept and cliche descriptor for what’s become a healing ritual for me. 

​Change is a natural part of what is hopefully progress, though the changes I’ve implemented may seem a little…. backwards. I am un-doing many of the things, especially in my business, that have been a staple over the last few years, and I’m here to talk about what those changes are, and why I’ve made them (as best as I’m able, at any rate). These changes have been announced here and there, on social media, in my newsletter, but for those who may have missed it, here’s the scoop!

First off, some may have noticed that January marked the first month, in many many years, that I haven’t had a Tuesday Tutorial Treasure Hunt. That’s right, the trusty Tuesday hunts are a thing no more. Now, that doesn’t mean there wont be hunts, they just wont necessarily by on a Tuesday, nor necessarily for a tutorial. Occasionally, I may have a crazy good 70% off coupon code available in limited quantities as part of the hunt. Sometimes there may be a hunt for the checkout page for a free piece of jewelry. They may not be every month, they may be twice a month. And there may still be tutorials in the hunts as well. There just wont be quite the adherence to schedules as was previously the case. (Note: Those who purchased the membership last August and September will still get an intermediate design as if it were a Treasure Hunt tutorial). 

Next, I’ve made some changes to my packaging, which I’ll have a separate post on soon. My packaging has, for a while, been 100% recyclable, as eco-friendly practices have become much more important to me, personally and professionally. There are no tins, no drawstring bags, no jewelry boxes with those poly-cotton inserts. Just paper products with recyclable labels for boxes and shipping. 

Also, there is currently a sale on all Retried Lessons, which you can check out here. Moving forward, these lessons will not be returning, as they normally would, in the fall months. Limited Edition tutorials will also be gone forever once their initial availability has lapsed. I am creating new designs on a monthly, sometimes weekly basis, and the ideas don’t seem to be stopping any time soon. As such, I want to make sure there isn’t a visual overwhelm on my site of possibilities, and aim to keep the designs as relevant and modern to my aesthetic as possible. 
dSo, when I say lessons are retired, or only available for a limited time, it’s forever. Once gone, they are gone, with no opportunity to snag them moving forward. This also helps me run my website more efficiently, as over 500 lessons and images can become a frightening mammoth to sort through on a bi-yearly basis when retired lessons made a brief appearance. So, the many many lessons (over 300) currently listed in the Retired Lessons shop section will be available through the end of February and then permanently deleted from my storefront and from the admin side of things as well. EDIT: COUPON NO LONGER ACTIVE, AS THESE LESSONS HAVE NOW BEEN PERMANENTLY RETIRED.

The 2021 membership may also mark the last membership moving forward, though I still have time to contemplate this decision. Eeek! I know! But there are still new things coming, such as the various treasure hunts mentioned above, a 5000k Members Facebook Group 12 Hour Giveaway (you can join my group here), most likely happening sometime between late April or late June, new YouTube videos and more mystery box options! And who knows what else this brain of mine might cook up, so stay tuned!

I recognize the last two years have been…. an adjustment, for most of us. But I just want to say that I appreciate all the support shown to me these many years. I’ve fostered many fantastic friendships, full of inspiration and creativity, and hope to be around to foster many more. So, on that note, I’ll see you in the next blog post… of which there will be many!

Happy weaving,

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