It has been hot, way too hot.
All this attention to other things means I’ve neglected my blog. So here is a bit of a catch up on the action.
Leftovers, everything in this necklace is from that tray of end of strand oddments. All these beads had either been dropped and then later picked up but not used, or were the wrong size or had slipped off a strand and hidden in a corner of the beading tray. Looking at them it became obvious that they were there for a purpose, this fun 20″ Leftovers or Allsorts necklace.
Then there is Arkham, I love this weave you do have to concentrate when doing it to make sure everything is added in the correct order and in the right position. The result is a lovely criss cross and crosses on the edges. It looks especially striking in two different colour metals, this is the second one I’ve made this time using slightly smaller jump rings.
This choker used up the last of my 7mm rose gold plate jump rings and a good many of my 5mm ones. Initially I thought I’d make a chain maille square and then realised that this Cappuccino agate oval would be a really good fit. These stones are different on each side making this a reversible item and if you like me tend to fiddle with your jewellery this is perfect hehehe.
Minx one of the two cats who live with me, she is a beautiful torttie who likes to sit beside me on the sofa. Well I say sit it is more lie on her back which is a treat because this is when her beautiful markings are shown off.
Finally for now a pair of freshwater pearl earrings. I’m having a bit of a love affair with pearls classically beautiful each one is unique. 5 pearls are used for each earring threaded onto a headpin the stem has been wrapped three times around a mandrel the next pearl loaded head pin goes through the loops and in turn a loop is created and the process repeated. Every girl needs pearls in her life.
Other things are happening as well, on Wednesday I’m on a secret shopper assignment complete with video recorder disguised as a handbag! That’ll be interesting. On Thursday going with a friend to the Lincolnshire show, I used to love going to the New Forest show and am really looking forward to this. Just hope it is a little cooler by then dry but cooler.