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How long does teething typically last for in a new baby

January 19, 2022

Teething refers to the eruption of teeth in newborn children. Every baby will grow teeth at different times, however there are some general milestones that parents can lookout for as their children go through the teething process. The following guide will help you learn how long teething will last in your baby.

When Do Babies First Start Teething?

Every baby is different, which means that no two babies will start teething at the same time.

However, most babies will begin the teething process from around six months to 10 months. The first teeth that usually appear are the lower central incisors, also known as their two bottom front teeth.

Most children will experience tooth eruption in pairs (experience teething pain!) After the lower central incisors, the most common teeth to erupt are the upper central incisors. Most children will receive their lower second molars and upper second molars last.

For a fuller list of your child’s expected teeth eruptions in the chronological order, please see this list below;

  • Lower central incisors
  • Upper central incisors
  • Upper lateral incisors
  • Lower lateral incisors
  • Upper first molars
  • Lower first molars
  • Upper canines
  • Lower canines
  • Lower second molars
  • Upper second molars

Teething Relief Products for Your Teething Baby

How Long Will Teething Last?

There is no set length for teething and every child will experience teething differently. However, most children will receive all of their teeth by the time they are two years old. Some children may still continue teething until they are around three years old. The exact length of teething may be hereditary, but currently there is no known scientific way to determine how long your child will teethe.

As a general rule, the teething process becomes less intense and painful as teething continues. The more teeth your children have, the easier it will be to manage pain. When they are young, managing pain can be done through various methods, such as allowing them to chew on teething toys; giving them cold or frozen chewing toys; and using items such as teething bracelets to help manage inflammation.

What If My Child Teethes Early or Late?

It should be noted that some babies experience early teething or late teething and that there is nothing to worry about if either case occurs.

Early teething can begin as early as 4 months. As with regular onset teething, it will likely be the lower central incisors that come in first.

Late teething is also a potential occurrence; some children may not experience their first tooth cut until they are 15 months or so. Most children cut their first teeth by the time they are one, but if your child happens to experience late teething, there is typically nothing to worry about.

If you are concerned about your child’s tooth development, consider booking an appointment with a dentist to talk about your concerns. Most dentists will want to see children after they cut their first tooth in order to familiarize children with the dental experience and to check up with parents regarding expected tooth development.

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