January 17, 2025


Edible Fashion

Healthy Fashion is Featured in Marie Claire Arabia + Book Features, Reviews, Excerpts


In this post, I will share with you:

– My book is featured in the Marie Claire Arabia magazine April issue

– A book excerpt of Healthy Fashion

Healthy Fashion featured in new articles/interviews

– New book reviews/recommendations for Healthy Fashion

– A list of bookstores and e-bookstores selling Healthy Fashion

Healthy Fashion featured in Marie Claire Arabia

Photo Source: Marie Claire Arabia

My book Healthy Fashion has been featured in Marie Claire Arabia’s new print issue– April 2022! Many thanks to Marie Claire fashion editor Jessica Bounni for featuring Healthy Fashion. The feature is in the “What Our Fashion Editor Loves” Marie Claire report by fashion editor Jessica Bounni.

The review/intro of the book was written by Fashion Editor Jessica Bounni:

Arabic translated to English:

“This month we advise you to read Healthy Fashion: The Deeper Truths. Alyssa Couture has written a guide to Fashion for Health. Healthy fashion offers fashion styles as an alternative health therapy where clothing is used as an alternative tool and as an alternative medicine for the mind, body, and spirit. The book also highlights unhealthy fashion and harmful synthetic and chemical substances that are toxic to the body. It is an experiment that reveals the deep truths of fashion as the book is based on the combination of science and spirit together.” – Jessica Bounni, Fashion Editor, Marie Claire Arabia

An Excerpt from my book:

“Healthy Fashion is a new model of modern, fresh, and high fashion designed for human health. Fashion for health is a new approach to fashion that awakens the soul and spirit. It is apparel used as an integrative tool and as an alternative medicine.

When healthy fashion is worn, we become healthy fashion practitioners. We are living during an exciting time. It is the perfect time to introduce concepts of fashion for health. Fashion for health is an enlightening pursuit for this modern era. We are in a time of a spiritual and planetary awakening, and the fashion industry is in a bit of a transition right now. Fashion for health is being produced and promoted in a gradual progression, in pursuit of healing the mind, body, and spirit.

Healthy Fashion establishes an alternative, modern approach to clothing: fashion deemed medicinal. Fashion becomes medicinal when it treats the body therapeutically and multidimensionally.

Multidimensional fashion is fashion for physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual health. Fashion, to cure the ails of the body, is an important part of dress that will bring the Earth and humans back into balance.“ – Book excerpt from Healthy Fashion: The Deeper Truths

New book features:

I have been interviewed for an article by fashion company A Sustainable Closet:

I was interviewed in their article: “Healthy Fashion- Are The Sustainability Movement Missing an Important Perspective?” The article is in regards to what healthy fashion is and what my new fashion book is about too.

A Sustainable Closet is based in Sweden and is known worldwide– “With the purpose of redefining what fashion and style means.” I love their mission statement.

Link to the article: https://www.asustainablecloset.com/home/fashion

My book is featured in the French fashion magazine Pearls Magazine:

Anne-Sophie Castro founder of Pearls magazine published a lovely article about my new book Healthy Fashion! Pearls magazine is a French fashion magazine. The article is titled: “Healthy Fashion (I): “plants are the future of fashion”

Check out the article’s intro: “Are plants the future of fashion? “In her book, “Healthy Fashion, the Deeper Truths”, Alyssa Couture offers a new holistic view of fashion. It draws up an inventory of fashion “in transition” and focuses its reflection on our health and the individual and societal impact. This book is the first guide taking into account the power of our clothes on our bodies (physical, mental, emotional/energetic and spiritual). The Earth, in full planetary awakening, requires ethical fashion on all fronts. An overhaul of our beliefs and value system. It’s up to us to restore meaning in our fashion consumption and production to start on a healthy basis. This book is a gift for the evolution of fashion!” – Pearls magazine

Link to the article: https://pearlsmagazine.com/healthy-fashion-i-les-plantes-sont-lavenir-de-la-mode/

I am a guest speaker on Bright Headed Publishing

Bright Headed Publishing Book Club is a platform where authors and readers can meet. I am happy to be a part of her book club. Join their book club and check out their recent episode: Book Club – Meet Fashion Author Alyssa Couture S2 E31

Link to the episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/bhp-book-club-meet-fashion-author-alyssa-couture-s2-e31/id1540833258?i=1000559895737

Here is the link to my press page for more features, podcast/ radio interviews, and articles about Healthy Fashion.

New Goodreads reviews/book recommendations for Healthy Fashion

I love GoodReads reviews. If you have read my book or if you are going to in the future– I would love to have you rate/review the book on Goodreads, and wherever you bought the book. That would very helpful, and I thank you for the support! The link to my Goodreads page.

Goodreads book review by Alexis Cuff founder of [Un]popular Fashion Society

“This is a great read! Alyssa explains in great detail about how our clothes are more than just pieces of fabric that we put on every day. They can help us both mentally and physically. I have learned so much just reading this book and I encourage anyone that has an interest in fashion, healthy and sustainability to pick up a copy. Thanks Alyssa!” – Alexis Cuff founder of [Un]Popular Fashion Society

Goodreads book review by Ana Isabel founder of In the light Growing Your Soul

“This book was a big eye opener for me. It revealed the extent to which the fashion world is relying on cheap man made materials which are unhealthy for us and bad for the planet. Take heart though, it is also full of hope. Alyssa does a wonderful job of creating a comprehensive guide to plant based fabrics.” – Ana Isabel In the light Growing Your Soul

Bookstores that sell Heathy Fashion

I have counted and searched for bookstores that are online and also have a brick-and-mortar shops. I found 195 Bookstores that are selling my book, and if the book is not stocked, they can order Healthy Fashion and have it shipped to you, or you can pick it up at their bookstore.

If you are a bookstore reading this post, and I haven’t mentioned your bookstore, I may have a post that includes all 195 soon with a link to my book on your bookstore company site. You may also email me, and I will include your bookstore. Thank you so much for supporting Healthy Fashion!

Here is a list of several of the bookstores that sell Healthy Fashion:



Indie Bound


Barnes & Noble


BAM Books-A-Million


Coles Books






Bulk Bookstore


Yes 24










The Reading Warehouse


National Book Network




Krain Ksiazek


The Book Company




Mighty Ape






Second Sale












Direct Textbook






Renaud Bray


Nataraj Books








E-bookstores that sell Healthy Fashion

You can order the book as an e-book. If you are interested in buying the Healthy Fashion e-book

Here is a list of companies selling Healthy Fashion:

Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09QML38DJ/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1



Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/search?query=healthy+fashion+

Google Play Books: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Healthy_Fashion_The_Deeper_Truths?id=8o5JEAAAQBAJ&hl=en_US&gl=US

E-Books: https://www.ebooks.com/en-us/book/210402713/healthy-fashion/alyssa-couture/

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