February 12, 2025


Edible Fashion

Gorgeous Coral Inspired Fine Jewelry by arosha


Arosha Luigi Taglia is an eclectic jewelry designer whose collection of beautiful coral inspired jewelry caught my attention. His fine jewelry collection in his Israel based store, arosha, uses yellow gold, white gold and rose gold combined with gorgeous gemstones including large Tahitian pearls.  The near black ones are breathtaking!

Coral may be his main inspiration but Arosha also has other designs.  I have included one of my favorites shown at the end – an upside down gold pearl ring!  

I was born in Torino, Italy, where I have lived, studied and worked most of my life. I moved to Israel ten years ago, following my heart and my love to an Israeli woman, and this is where I live and create my jewelry today.
We’re a team – I’m the designer and I lead all the creative aspects of our business, and Gili my wife manages the logistics, communication and marketing.

My work ranges from visual arts (sculpturing, painting, digital art) to jewelry design. I like to experiment with different materials – plastic, silver, gold, metals, textiles, vintage pieces etc.  My creations are presented in art, design, fashion and jewelry galleries all over the world. My passion for design and especially for jewels comes from sculpturing.

My jewelry is characterized by their clean and elegant shapes, and by their unique, modern and individual statement. When I design my jewelry, I have in mind a metropolitan person (woman or man) who is intelligent, charming, a lover of arts and beauty, sophisticated in the mind but essential and clean in the taste and dress-style.

Coral Reefs and Global Warming

I love how Arosha’s coral jewelry designs remind us of the damage inflicted on real coral reefs worldwide, from global warming. When the oceans are too hot, the coral reefs turn white (bleach) and if the damage is severe, the coral will die.  This will also doom every living thing in that ecosystem. Our children, grandchildren and future generations may never see a real coral reef again. 

Coral reefs protect coastlines from storms and erosion, provide jobs for local communities, and offer opportunities for recreation. They are also are a source of food and new medicines. Over half a billion people depend on reefs for food, income, and protection.

Before You Go:


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