February 7, 2025


Edible Fashion

Engagement Ring Beginner’s Guide (Ladies Edition)


We live in a day and age where there is an abundance of information available at the tips of our fingers. Literally. 

We come across many women who simply have no clue what kind of engagement ring they’d want because there are just too many styles to choose from!

Pinterest, anyone? 

It reminds me of that popular meme from a few years ago:

Your Engagement Ring Is A Big Deal

We truly understand that.

And it can become even more overwhelming when you have no idea where to start; so we thought we’d give you a few useful and honest guidelines to get your creativity flowing. 

The main points we’re going to cover are:

  • It’s all about you.
  • How to choose the right metal colour.
  • Where and when there’s a place for opinions.
  • The one place where shape matters (stone shape, of course).

Beware Of The *Phase Craze*

An engagement ring is something that you’ll be wearing for years and years to come…

This means when looking at designs, ask yourself: “I know I’ll love this ring now, but will I still love it in 10 years’ time? 20 years? 30? If yes, then you’re on the right track. If you’re not sure; you may have a classic case of ‘phase-craze’ on your hands.

What is phase-craze, you ask? Phase-craze is something we like to call a trend that pops up quickly but disappears just as quickly. Many times its phenomenal designs, quirky, unique and out-there; but not necessarily something you may feel the same about as time goes by. 

Just like in fashion; in the 90s we thought thin pencilled eyebrows and hair gelled to the point of no return for that ‘wet look’ was what it was all about! But now many of us have that lingering “what were we thinking?!” feeling while we look back and cringe. 

The same goes for rings. Think of yourself and who you are. If your personality is colourful, unique and quirky, then a trendy ring to match may just be something that will stay timeless and beautiful for you! 

A ring design is a very personal experience and even an expression, and keeping this core thought in mind when looking at designs may really help cancel out rings that may not be the right fit for you

Rings don’t have to be ugly for them to be the wrong fit for you, either. Think about your lifestyle and practicality. Are you extremely hands-on? Will a ring with many hooks and nooks annoy you at some stage? 

Choosing The Right Metal Colour

Another element to keep in mind is metal type and colour. Many trends recently picked up with rose gold. Don’t get us wrong, we love our 18ct rose gold mixture. But if you’re someone who wears silver mostly and you’re thinking of Rose Gold, keep in mind what colour metal you always return to. Rose gold in this example may look gorgeous for you now, but will a day come when you’ll barely wear rose gold? 

Perhaps the longer-run picture will look better with a silver alloy instead, like Platinum. A coloured metal that will be timeless for your style. The same goes if you’re a ‘gold person’ all these years, perhaps platinum just won’t do you as much justice as gold!

Manage Opinions

Another challenge we see many women face is the endless opinions of those around them. “Don’t do an oval, everybody’s getting them!” Go for yellow gold, it’s more of a classic ring.” “A solitaire is too plain, you need to make the design more interesting!”

Of course, feedback is important when you’re at the drawing board, but remember at the end of the day, none of those people are going to be wearing this ring. You are. If you love solitaires? DO IT! If you’d prefer Platinum over Gold, GO FOR IT! Do what works for you. Because at the end of the day, this ring is a reflection of you and a symbol of your relationship. Be careful of giving too much room for outer influences, when people aren’t listening or taking your own preferences into consideration.

There’s A Perfect Diamond Shape For You

Sometimes a dreaded topic for the ladies who just cannot quite put their finger on what they want. We’ve found that with prominent shapes like your Princess-cut, Pear-cut, Radiant and Emerald-cuts, with that strong geometrical and defined look, it is perhaps worth thinking about with intent. Most clients we’ve seen go for a Princess cut have wanted that style since they were little girls! With these prominent cuts of centre stones, rather be sure that you will stay in love with it. 

We’re also not saying these cuts are purely reserved for those that have always wanted them! We’ve just found that when the seasons of your life change, certain tastes change too. If you have an inkling that this would be a problem later on for you, a classic Round or Oval is a stunning option to keep in mind. 

We always find it funny that people are turned off by the “but everyone’s doing this style”. With billions of people on the planet, almost all of the styles we can think of: from classic to ‘out there’, have been done. And numerous times. If you like a style, don’t worry about what others are doing. Worry about what is best for you. 

We Want To Be Part Of YOUR Story.

In the end, it all comes down to what engagement ring are you going to love and cherish for all the time to come. Don’t feel silly for taking it seriously, an engagement ring is a symbol of one of the biggest decisions and changes of your life and it’s worth the thought.

I’ve sat with a lot of women regarding this and it really is okay if you’re feeling overwhelmed and a bit lost as to where to start. That’s why we’re here. Pop by our office for a consultation and a lovely cup of coffee. We’d love to be a part of your journey and help you design that perfect ring for you. You can email me directly at [email protected], I look forward to helping you make your dream ring come true. 



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